Setting up a good network connection is not a simple procedure. It often it’s up a lot of time and may cost you a fortune if done by an amateur. So we make sure that our skilled workers make your transition towards our network a smooth and convenient procedure for you. Our specialist will visit your location and ensure proper connectivity until you’re completely satisfied with the service.
The service includes complete deployment and installation of our system to the subscribers mentioned premises. We ensure minimum optical loss and record all necessary readings for highly quality data transfer. The meter reading are confirmed to be within the acceptable range upon installation, for a strong connection. Our professionals document the entire procedure from planning to designing and eventually implementation.
The opportunity to select a suitable passive fiber product is also available for customers.The charges depend on various factors such as the distance of your location from the main fiber network. However, our services will not rip you off and are quite budget friendly.
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After we get some information from you, we’ll set up a time to discuss your project in further detail.
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message. For anything more specific, please use one of our addresses.